Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I know I know I know... I am horrible blogger... most people do it everyday yet I do it once a month! (if even)

Krista... this is for you more then anyone Else.

I just usually dont have much of anything to blog about. Dont get me wrong, I enjoy my life. I love simple pleasures. I could sit on my front stoop for hours with out moving, but is that really something that people want to read about? Me sitting!? Or the thoughts that go through my head as I sit?
Such as:
"wow, that grass is sooo green"
"hummm its soo interesting that birds hop, its like they have so much joy they cant contain it"
"Look that man is passing, oh gosh he is picking his nose... i bet most people pick there nose while they are driving."
"how can she say to me love will find a way, gather round all you clowns let me hear you say, hey you got to hide your love away."

I think not!!!

I will try to think of ways to make my life more exciting!

be LOVE.